Technical Program

          Program at a glance

          Monday, January 20th

          Welcome Address
          Session 1: Network Security(chair: Marco Rapelli)
          Implicit Association Tests for Understanding Human Factors in Phishing Beyond Awareness
          Alessio Botta, University of Napoli “Federico II”
          Mitigating NIDS Saturation in High-Throughput Networks through Packet Pre-Filtering using Programmable Data Planes
          Henrique Becker Brum, University of Trento
          SCASS: breaking into SCADA Systems Security
          Simon Pietro Romano, University of Napoli “Federico II”
          5G Localization Security
          Ivan Palamà, University of Roma “Tor Vergata”
          Physical Layer Challenge Response Authentication with IRS and Multiple-Antenna Devices
          Laura Crosara, University of Padova

          Coffee Break – Poster Session 1

          David López-Pérez (Universitat Politècnica de València)
          Session 2: Wireless Networks (chair: Francesca Meneghello)
          Streaming and Elastic Services in a Base Station with Dynamic Activation of Frequency Bands
          Michela Meo, Polytechnic University of Torino
          Impact of Control-plane Uplink in Asymmetric RF/RIS-aided VLC Indoor System
          Claudia Leoni, University of Roma 3
          High-Resolution Sensing with Multiband Communication Signals
          Jacopo Pegoraro, University of Padova
          Lunch Break
          Afternoon Snack – Poster session 2
          Session 3: V2X Communications (chair: Daniele Tarchi)
          Challenges and Initial Measurements on Communication for Mountain Bike Safety Applications
          Michele Segata, University of Trento
          The Power of Persistence: Boosting Spatial and Temporal Order for Radio Resource Reuse in 5G NR-V2X Sidelink
          Alexey Rolich, University of Roma “La Sapienza”
          Multi-RAT Reliable Platooning: A Machine Learning Approach
          Christian Quadri, University of Milano
          Analysis on the Impact of Point Cloud Compression on 3D Object Detector for Vehicular Scenarios
          Filippo Bragato, University of Padova
          Short Break
          Session 4: Orchestration and Traffic Monitoring (chair: Sebastian Troia)
          Dynamic Resource Provisioning in Beyond 5G Networks via Pervasive AI and Network Digital Twin
          Enrico Boffetti, Polytechnic University of Bari
          MANANA (Mobile App Network trAffic Nutrition fActs)
          Giuseppe Aceto, University of Napoli “Federico II”
          Robust Multimodal Classification for Dynamic Traffic Using Augmentation and Contrastive Learning
          Guarino Idio, University of Verona
          Sharpening Kubernetes Audit Logs with Context Awareness
          Matteo Franzil, University of Trento

          Tuesday, January 21st

          Session 5: Non-Terrestrial Networks (chair: Michela Meo)
          Seamless integration of the LoRaWAN protocol in a LEO-based mMTC architecture
          Andrea Novero, University of Padova
          Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Layer Multi-Service Non-Terrestrial Vehicular Edge Computing
          Daniele Tarchi, University of Firenze
          Design and optimization of SD-WAN systems for satellite Internet
          Giacomo Sguotti, Polytechnic University of Milano
          High Altitude Platform Stations for Joint SAR Imaging and RAN Offloading
          Daniela Renga, Polytechnic University of Torino
          A Comprehensive Evaluation of Networked Music Performance using LEO Satellite Internet: The Starlink Use Case
          Luca Borgianni, University of Pisa
          Coffee Break – Poster Session 3
          Beatriz Soret (Universidad de Málaga)
          Session 6: Service Provisioning (chair: Stefano Salsano)
          CLIFF: A Congestion-Less Transport for Distributed Machine Learning
          Davide Miola, Polytechnic University of Torino
          SRv6 Meets DetNet: A New Behavior for Low Latency and High Reliability
          Antonio Cianfrani, University of Molise
          The Merit of Simple Policies: Buying Performance With Parallelism and System Architecture
          Mert Yildiz, University of Roma “La Sapienza”
          Lunch Break
          Afternoon Snack – Poster session 4
          Session 7: Core Networks (chair: Leonardo Maccari)
          In-Band Quality Notification from Users to ISPs
          Sergey Gorinsky, IMDEA Networks
          Routing Policy Inference in BGP World
          Samuele Quinzi, University of Roma 3
          Routing with ART: Adaptive Routing for P4 Switches With In-Network Decision Trees
          Alessio Sacco, Polytechnic University of Torino
          A Digital Twin based Framework to Enable Analysis in BGP Optimization
          Stefano Servillo, University of Roma “La Sapienza”
          Short break
          Session 8: Network Planning (chair: Michele Segata)
          Planning and Managing a Backhaul network for Integrated Access and Backhaul
          Leonardo Maccari, University of Venezia “Ca’ Foscari”
          Assessing the Benefits of Moving Base Stations in Urban 6G Networks
          Laura Finarelli, HES-SO Valais
          In-Network Q-Learning-based Packet Forwarding for Delay Sensitive Applications
          Marco Polverini, University of Roma “La Sapienza”
          Social Dinner

          Wednesday, January 22nd

          Session 9: IoT and Monitoring (chair: Chiara Contoli)
          WatchEDGE: An AI-Driven Framework for Responsive Environmental Monitoring
          Sebastian Troia, Polytechnic University of Milano
          An IIoT Digital Twin Architecture for Anomaly Traffic Analysis of HWIL Devices using Neural Network
          Andrea Melis, University of Bologna
          Empowering Remote Agriculture: Wearable Glove Control for Smart Hydroponic Greenhouses
          Cristian Bua, University of Pisa
          Target Wake Time Scheduling for Time-Sensitive Networking in the Industrial IoT
          Corrado Puligheddu, Polytechnic University of Milano
          The Power of On-line Indirect Surveys to Monitor Society
          Antonio Fernández Anta, IMDEA Networks
          Coffee Break – Poster Session 5
          Daniele Ronzani (Hewlett-Packard Enterprise)
          Session 10: Distributed and Decentralized Architectures (chair: Giovanni Perin)
          Edge Task Offloading on Mobile Robots
          Jacopo Marino and Daniele Cacciabue, Polytechnic University of Torino
          FIGO – Federated Infrastructure for GPU Orchestration
          Stefano Salsano, University of Roma “Tor Vergata”
          Gaming on the Edge: Performance Issues of Distributed Online Gaming
          Diletta Olliaro, University of Venezia “Ca’ Foscari”
          Distributed Anomaly Reporting with Dynamic Epistemic Logic
          Federico Chiariotti, University of Padova
          RAN Energy Consumption Prediction in Network Expansion Scenarios
          Andrea Pimpinella, University of Bergamo
          Closing Address
          The End

          Poster session 1 (Monday, Jan. 20th, 09:45-10:15)

          1. Pierciro Caliandro (University of Roma “Tor Vergata”) – Cybersecurity meets HPC
          2. Chiara Contoli (University of Urbino) and Chiara Grasselli (University of Bologna) – A Digital Twin approach for Integration of Networking and Factory Assets
          3. Giulia Focarelli (University of Roma “Tor Vergata”) – Positioning Integrity in 5G and Beyond: Modeling and Detecting Security Threats at the Physical Layer 
          4. Alessandro Cornacchia (KAUST) – A Flexible and High-Fidelity Approach to Distributed DNN Training Emulation
          5. Federico Pasquinucci, Simone Travagliati, and Mattia Andreani (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) – VRU Protection and Cooperative Perception through Feature Extraction from Multi-Modal Datasets
          6. Giovanni Perin (University of Padova) – An ADMM optimizer for spiking neural networks
          7. Corrado Innamorati (Polytechnic University of Milano) – Designing a Broker Extension for Seamless CoAP and MQTT Interoperability

          Poster session 2 (Monday, Jan. 20th, 16:30-17:00)

          1. Diego Gasco (Polytechnic University of Torino) – GenSUMO: GenAI-Creation of Critical Scenarios for Autonomous Vehicle Testing
          2. Gaetano Francesco Pittalà and Gianluca Davoli (University of Bologna) – Recovering Missing Monitoring Data to Enhance Service Provisioning
          3. Pierpaolo Loreti (University of Roma “Tor Vergata”) – RadioDL: Deep Learning-Based Signal Intelligence of IQ Captures
          4. Gianmaria Ventura (University of Padova) – Doppler Frequency Estimation with Asynchronous Moving Devices in Integrated Sensing and Communications
          5. Francesco Mancini (CNIT, University of Roma “Tor Vergata”) – Security Monitoring in High-Throughput 5G Core Networks
          6. Pasquale Caporaso (University of Roma “Tor Vergata”) – High-Speed Protocol-Aware Fuzzing through Cellular Baseband Emulation
          7. Carlo Centofanti (University of L’Aquila) – Energy Efficiency in Containerized Radio Access Networks: Insights from Monitoring and Optimization Frameworks
          8. Andrea Detti (University of Roma “Tor Vergata”) – µBench – A Factory of Benchmarking Microservices Applications

          Poster session 3 (Tuesday, Jan. 21st, 09:45-10:15)

          1. Pietro Talli (University of Padova) – Energy-Latency Trade-Off in Time-Sensitive Applications
          2. Matteo Chiacchia (CNIT, University of Roma “Tor Vergata”) – Simulating MITM Attacks in Mobile Networks: Exploiting XOR Malleability and Lack of Integrity in the Data Plane
          3. Marcello Morini (Polytechnic University of Milano) – Analysis of 5G Architecture: Throughput and Complexity
          4. Alessandro Rivitti (CNIT, University of Roma “Tor Vergata”) – Run-Time Network Security Reaction with Efficient Portable FPGA-Driven Filters
          5. Francesco Raviglione (Polytechnic University of Torino) – TRACE-X: Telemetry Replay and Analysis of CAN bus and EXternal navigation data
          6. Francesca Meneghello (University of Padova) – How to BREAK MU-MIMO Precoding in IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi Networks
          7. Giovanni Angelo Alghisi (University of Brescia) – Bridging Privacy and Sensing in Wi-Fi Networks

          Poster session 4 (Tuesday, Jan. 21st, 16:30-17:00)

          1. Andrea Paci (University of Roma “Tor Vergata”) – FlashCatch: Minimizing Disruption in IMSI Catcher Operations
          2. Fabio Palmese (Polytechnic University of Milano) – Resource Optimization for Evidence Collection and Preservation in IoT Forensics-ready Access Points
          3. Christian Grasso (University of Catania) – Experimenting Mission-Critical and UAV Applications over an Open 5G and Edge Testbed
          4. Alessandro Traspadini (University of Padova) – Enhanced TDD Slot Allocation in NTN
          5. Marco Rapelli (Polytechnic University of Torino) – Security in V2X communication
          6. Elena Tonini (University of Brescia) – Towards Intelligent Ambient Sensing: Quantitative Analysis of CSI for Room Occupancy Detection

          Poster session 5 (Wednesday, Jan. 22nd, 09:45-10:15)

          1. Andrea Mayer (CNIT, University of Roma “Tor Vergata”) – Taming the Burstiness of LLM Training with eBPF and SRv6
          2. Stefano Galantino (Polytechnic University of Torino) – Building the Cloud Continuum with REAR
          3. Pietro Spadaccino (University of Roma “La Sapienza”) – Service Placement, Routing, and Resource Allocation with Queuing Delay Constraints
          4. Federico Mason (University of Padova) – Eavesdropping on Semantic Communication: Timing Attacks and Countermeasures
          5. Asmad Bin Abdul Razzaque (University of Roma “La Sapienza”) – Random Access in IoT Networks: Throughput, Age of Information and Energy Trade-offs with Successive Interference Cancellation
          6. Sara Da Canal (CNIT, University of Roma “Tor Vergata”) – AMFuzz++: Applying Structure Aware Guided Fuzzing to Enhance Performances