The submission of research contributions is now closed. The technical program is available at this link.
Submit your research contribution
This year we will have two formats:
- Research talks – standard presentation mode (15 mins)
- Poster session – a dedicated session for poster-type presentations
As in previous editions, the 21st Italian Networking Workshop has a broad scientific scope covering the most important research topics in the networking field, such as:
- Beyond 5G communication networks and services
- mm-Wave communication networks
- Network architectures and protocols
- Routing and channel access protocols
- Content/information centric networks
- Optical networks
- Data center and cloud networking
- Software Defined Networks
- Cognitive networking
- Semantic and effective communication
- Peer-to-peer networks
- Energy efficient and green networking
- Traffic measurement and analysis
- Traffic engineering and control
- Wireless networks
- Sensor networks
- Vehicular networks
- Video streaming technology
- Wearable computing
- Wireless sensing
- Non-terrestrial networks
- Network security and privacy
- Performance evaluation
- and more…