Program at a glance [INW 2017 PROGRAM]
Slides [Password Protected – 113MBytes]
DAY1 – 11th of January |
Session 1 (Morning): Wireless Networks (8:10-12:20) | |
08:10-08:30 |
Welcome Address
08:30-08:50 |
A reinforcement learning approach to control renewable energy spending in energy harvesting cellular networks
08:50-09:10 |
Centralized Scheduling in TSCH networks for Energy Efficiency
Mike Ojo, Davide Adami, Michele Pagano, Stefano Giordano, Giuseppe Portaluri
09:10-09:30 |
On the Feasibility of Collision Detection in Full-Duplex 802.11 Radio
09:30-09:50 |
Passive Classification of Wi-Fi Enabled Devices
Alessandro Enrico Cesare Redondi, Davide Sanvito, Matteo Cesana
10:10-10:30 |
WI-FAB: attribute-based WLAN access control, without pre-shared keys and backend infrastructures
Claudio Pisa, Alberto Caponi, Tooska Dargahi, Giuseppe Bianchi, Nicola Blefari-Melazzi
10:30-10:50 |
Joint Usage of Dynamic Sensitivity Control and Time Division Multiple Access in Dense 802.11ax Networks
Evgeny Khorov, Anton Kiryanov, Alexander Krotov, Pierluigi Gallo, Domenico Garlisi, and Ilenia Tinnirello
10:50-11:10 |
LTE/Wi-Fi Co-existence under Scrutiny: An Empirical Study
C. Capretti, Francesco Gringoli, N. Facchi, and P. Patras
11:10-11:30 |
A new Fast Convergence Adaptive Algorithm for Smart Antenna Systems in mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Vincenzo Inzillo, Floriano De Rango, Alfonso Arisa Quintana
11:30-12:20 |
SEMINAR – Beyond Duty Cycling: How Wake-up Radio Technology and Semantic Addressing Enable Decade-long Lived Wireless Sensing Systems
Stefano Basagni (Northeastern University, Boston, US)
Session 2 (Afternoon): Mobile Applications (17:00-19:20) | |
16:30-17:00 |
Afternoon Snack
17:00-17:20 |
Human Authentication From Ankle Motion Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Matteo Gadaleta, Michele Rossi
17:20-17:40 |
Generalised localisation of a non-cooperative source from asynchronous TOA and TDOA measurements
17:40-18:00 |
Big-data inspired, proximity-aware 4G/5G service supporting urban social interactions
Christian Quadri, Sabrina Gaito, Gian Paolo Rossi
18:00-18:20 |
Why your smartphone doesn’t work in very crowded environments
18:20-19:20 |
SEMINAR – On the Evolution of Wireless Networks
DAY 2 – 12th of January |
Session 3 (Morning): Novel Architectures & Methodologies (8:30-12:10) | |
08:30-08:50 |
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Alternative Internets
08:50-09:10 |
PPDR-TC White Paper: The Strategic Roadmap for Next Generation (Broadband) PPDR Communication Systems [White Paper PDF]
09:10-09:30 |
BBU hotel protection in C-RAN architecture
Bahare Masood Khorsandi, Carla Raffaelli, Matteo Fiorani, Lena Wosinska, Paolo Monti
09:30-09:50 |
Handling uncertainty in crowd-sourcing
10:10-10:30 | Jattack: a WebRTC stressing tool Simon Pietro Romano, A. Amirante, T. Castaldi, L. Miniero |
10:30-11:10 | INVITED PAPER – To Hover or not to Hover: Privacy Issues in Android Julinda Stefa (Univ. of Rome, “La Sapienza”) |
11:10-12:10 | SEMINAR – Computation Caching: a new frontier for Mobile Edge Cloud Emilio Calvanese Strinati (CEA-LETI, France) |
Session 4 (Afternoon): Network Softwarization (17:00-19:00) | |
16:30-17:00 |
Afternoon Snack
17:00-17:20 |
Service Chain Composition, Resource Allocation and Orchestration in an NFV Marketplace
17:20-17:40 |
A Topology-Aware Scheduler for MPI Collectives in Software Defined Data Centers
17:40-18:00 |
Towards a Stateful Forwarding Abstraction to Implement Scalable Network Functions in Software and Hardware
18:00-18:20 |
A glimpse into the energy efficiency of network softwarization
18:20-19:00 | INVITED PAPER – Symnet: scalable symbolic execution for modern networks Costin Raiciu (Univ. Polit. Bucuresti, Romania) |
DAY 3 – 13th of January |
Session 5 (Morning): Performance Evaluation & Algorithms (8:30-11:40) | |
08:30-08:50 | Minimizing Data Distortion of Periodically Reporting IoT Devices with Energy Harvesting Chiara Pielli, Cedomir Stefanovic, Petar Popovski, Michele Zorzi |
08:50-09:10 |
e-Fair: a Novel e-Commerce Model that Exploits Economies of Scale
09:10-09:30 |
Joint Planning Optimization of Fiber Backhaul and Small Cells for Urban Event Service Provisioning
Matteo Fiorani, Paolo Monti, Carla Raffaelli, Federico Tonini, Lena Wosinska
09:30-09:50 | Performance Evaluation and Tuning of Virtual Infrastructure Managers for Unikernel support P. L. Ventre, C. Pisa, Stefano Salsano, G. Siracusano, F. Schmidt, P. Lungaroni, N. Blefari-Melazzi |
10:10-10:30 | Performance of Intent-based Virtualized Network Infrastructure Management Franco Callegati, Walter Cerroni, Chiara Contoli, Francesco Foresta |
10:30-10:50 | Available Bandwidth Measurement in Software Defined Networks Peter Megyesi, Alessio Botta, Giuseppe Aceto, Antonio Pescapè, Sandor Molnar |
10:50-11:10 | UGUALE: fair bandwidth sharing via dynamic queue assignment Carmelo Cascone, Luca Bianchi, Brunilde Sansò, Antonio Capone |
11:10-11:30 | On the road towards authenticated and authorized access in federated IoT platforms Savio Sciancalepore, Daniele Caldarola, Giuseppe Piro, Gennaro Boggia, Giuseppe Bianchi |
11:30-11:40 |
Closing Remarks